There is NO new water. Think about all that is flushed, dumped, or washed down the drain and all that is discharged into our waterways by corporations. We are recycling and cleaning the water that has been used by our great grandparents, parents and neighbors upstream.
A few water facts:
87% of the US population depends on surface water.
In the US, 74% of our water comes from surface water. In the UK, 70% of their water comes from surface water.
The average American family uses about 552 gallons of water, every DAY!!! Compare this to the average African family, which uses about 5 gallons of water a day.
What you can do…
As much as 80% of domestic water usage occurs outside the home on lawns and gardens.
Xeriscaping/Desert landscaping is another way to reduce watering. Replace lawns and water consuming plants with attractive native and drought tolerant plants.
If you must water…Install/use a rain barrel (scroll below) to water your lawn and garden before the sun comes up or as it is going down and put irrigation on a timer.
Wash your car on the lawn or at a car wash that recycles the water! Don’t allow the water to run continuously.
Home pool? Cover your swimming pool to reduce evaporation. A pool cover can reduce water loss by 90%.
Homes can waste more than 10% of water due to leaks and the largest water user inside the home is the toilet.
Check your toilet for leaks. A leak inside the toilet can waste up to 200 gallons of water a day. Add a few drops of food coloring into the tank. If there is a leak, color will show in the bowl in about 30 minutes.
Faucet leaks are usually visible; however there are some unnoticeable leaks in areas like the on/off handle or in the pipes below the basin.
Don’t let the water run while brushing teeth, shaving, or washing hands/face. This can save more than 100 gallons a week.
Running your washing machine or dishwasher only when full could save you hundreds of gallons a month.
Harvesting Rainwater
BONUS: Rain Catchment Throwback